If you are here on this page and you think that you need a personal protection order we would recommend that you contact us as soon as you can so we can get the process started.
Here at Haque Legal, our Southfield personal injury attorneys know when things are urgent. If you think that you need it, please feel free to contact us. If you are just browsing, this article aims to provide you with some information on how Personal Protection Orders (PPO) works in the State of Michigan. Let us begin.
What is a Personal Protection Order?
A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is a court order. Its main goal is to stop the threat of domestic violence being committed against another person. This would include acts that constitute domestic violence, acts of stalking, and even those acts that are non-domestic but related to sexual assault that causes harm to another person.
If you are experiencing domestic violence at the hands of another, please reach out to our Southfield domestic violence lawyers today.
In the state of Michigan, there are different kinds of personal protection orders that you may avail of. Let us look at them one by one:
Domestic Relationship PPO
You may avail of a personal protection order against a person that you have been in a relationship with, a person that you have a child with, a person that you used to live with, or a person that you have dated romantically. You will be granted a PPO after proving to the judge that the abuser is likely to cause you harm or assault you to harass you or stalk you.
What is controlling in a domestic relationship PPO is the fact that there existed a domestic relationship between you and the person who is harassing you or trying to cause you harm. Proving the existence of the relationship is now easy because of social media.
What can a Domestic Relationship PPO do?
A domestic relationship PPO can prevent the abuser from doing the following things:
- He may not enter your home or another place that you frequent. If you are being stalked by a former lover that person probably knows where you live and the places that you frequent. A personal protection order will be able to prohibit him from going near you based on the distance that has been set by the judge on the order.
- He may not do acts that would intentionally cause you mental stress. We have seen some cases where those who have been given a domestic relationship personal protection order still experience mental harassment from the person stalking them. This would come in the form of showing up in places and just keeping the distance based on the limitation set by the order as well as trying to keep a short distance between him and the person abused. The domestic relationship PPO will be able to prohibit your abuser from causing you further mental stress by requiring them to altogether stop being in your life and showing up whenever they want to.
- The PPO will also be able to remove the abusers’ access to your address and telephone number in the records so that they cannot contact you or know your whereabouts.
- It can also prevent any other specific act or behavior that gives you a reasonable fear for your life or that interferes with your freedom.
May I include Specific Things To Be Prohibited?
Yes, you only need to discuss the specific acts that you want to be prohibited through your lawyer. Your lawyer would then file a manifestation in court claiming that these are the following acts that you want to prevent your ex from doing.
There is no guarantee that the judge will grant your request for the specific acts to be prohibited but it is important that you at least try to file and limit the contact that you have with the person as much as possible.
Can I get a PPO For My Children?
Things can get complicated when there are children involved. While you may get a personal protection order from your ex-spouse or from the person that you have a child with, the state of Michigan still recognizes the relationship of the child to the other parent and respects parenting time.
However, you should not worry about this part as long as the parenting time is supervised not by you but by a person working for Child Protective Services.
If you are however asking this question because your children had been subjected to trauma because of the abuser, you may file a manifestation in court and also include your children in the personal protection order.
Stalking Personal Protection Order
Non-domestic or Stalking Personal Protection Order is the order that you can get if you did not have any domestic relationship with your stalker. For the stocking to be considered there should be at least two separate incidents of harassment that are unwanted and that there should be no valid purpose for such a contact.
The acts of the other party or the stalker must cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional harm or fear. Today’s modern age already includes unwanted phone calls, unwanted calls and texts, and unwanted social media attention coming from the stalker to be part of stalking.
Non-domestic Sexual Assault Personal Protection Order
The third kind of personal protection order is done on domestic sexual assault personal protection order that aims to protect the person from individuals who are harassing them sexually or are threatening them with acts that constitute sexual assault.
There is more information about personal protection orders that you should know about. You can find more information on the series of articles on personal protection orders.
You Might Need Personal Protection
If you are here on this page and you think that you need a personal protection order we would recommend that you contact us as soon as you can so we can get the process started. The legal consequences of domestic violence are dire and must be addressed as soon as possible. Our law firm is dedicated to making sure that those who are innocent will be protected by the law and the full extent of justice will be used.
The article that you have read is based on general applications of the law. It is not legal advice and it is not to be construed as any legal consultation with the firm. No client-attorney relationship is created when you read the articles we have provided.
Let us help you out.
If you need help with filing for a personal protection order, our Southfield criminal defense lawyers are here help. Our operators are always standing by to help you out.
The post An Introduction To Personal Protection Orders in Michigan appeared first on Haque Legal.